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What’s so great about Ridgewood, NJ?

Where to begin?
First of all, the village of Ridgewood is conveniently located only 20 miles northwest of Manhattan. In addition, this popular suburb of New York City is frequently ranked one of the best places to live in New Jersey.
Known for its thriving downtown with upscale stores, coffee shops, many eateries and world class restaurants, Ridgewood attracts people from all over the area.
A little Ridgewood history for you…
Prior to the 1800’s, the area we now call Ridgewood was simply bucolic farmland, pastures, wilderness and streams. Generally, the early settlers farmed the land and raised livestock in the area. In addition, small grist and saw mills ran along the streams.
All of a sudden in the mid 1800’s, the area began to grow and develop at a rapid pace. In 1848, the opening of the Paterson and Ramapo railroad which ran through Ridgewood brought major change to the area. As a result of the railroad, Ridgewood started to become a popular destination because of its fresh air, open spaces and natural beauty.
Coupled with the beautiful setting and convenient access to New York City, Ridgewood was a very attractive place for wealthy businessmen and their families to purchase property. Soon, the area developed as a bustling get-away for wealthy city dwellers, and eventually grew into the Ridgewood we know today. Consequently, the village is very picturesque with its tree lined streets, welcoming public spaces and beautiful homes. Also, the many iconic buildings in the downtown area add to the town’s charming historic aesthetic.
It’s all about community
In essence, Ridgewood was designed and developed to encouraged neighborly connections. For example, the village plan included sidewalks on most streets for easy access to the schools and outdoor recreation spaces. In addition, the centrally located downtown and train station are convenient to all the neighborhoods.
The friendly, caring neighborly vibe in Ridgewood contributes to a true sense of camaraderie among residents and visitors alike. In conclusion, the feeling of community in Ridgewood is truly contagious (in a very good way, of course)!
But wait there’s more…
About Ridgewood Real Estate…
Believe it or not, the real estate market in Ridgewood is still projected to be strong through 2022. Fortunately, over the years housing sales in our area have remained very steady compared to other parts of the country.
Presently, homes that are updated and priced appropriately to the market are selling very quickly. This is due to the very limited supply of homes on the market and the continued demand from home buyers seeking additional space to accommodate more remote working.
According to the NJMLS, the median price of a single family home in Ridgewood rose $960,000 by the end of January, a 7% increase from the same 12 month period last year.
Sellers Market Continues to be very strong
With less than one month supply of inventory, Ridgewood continues to experience a very strong sellers market. If you’ve been thinking about selling your home, now is a really good time. Don’t wait to take advantage of this strong sellers market.
Opportunities for Buyers – Exceptional Properties
While the sellers market has been great for homeowners wanting to sell in Ridgewood, buyers have also seen some benefits from the fast paced market. Those buyers who have acted quickly have been able to take advantage of the very high quality selection of homes for sale, and more listings will continue to come on the market every week as we head into this year. Check out the current homes for sale in Ridgewood.
Some amazing properties have come on the market in the past few months – but they’ve gone really fast. Believe it or not, some listings are sold before they go to Zillow or Realtor .com or other websites. Plus, there are a few exclusive listings not even advertised on the MLS. For this reason, it’s really important to work with a good local Realtor who really knows the market – I can help you!
For Ridgewood real estate listings, click on a price category at the top or this page or go to the Map Search Page to view homes for sale by location.
Here are a few new listings of Ridgewood homes for sale:
Looking for more listings?
Click a price category at the top of this page . Or, go to our Map Search Page to view Ridgewood homes for sale by location.
Thinking about moving?
Do you have questions about the relocation process? Would you like information about the local real estate market?
You’ve come to the right place – I’m here to help!
As a Realtor and a long time resident, I know the community very well, and my extensive real estate experience can benefit you, too! I’ve worked with many homeowners to successfully market and quickly sell their properties, and I’ve helped many buyers find their dream homes.
Also, here are testimonials from other buyers and sellers that I’ve worked with. I can help you, too!
Call or text me, Elizabeth “Liz” Thauer, Broker Associate at Tarvin Realtors at 201-207-3900 or 201-444-0690, email at or fill out the form below!